What We Do

The No Frack Ohio Coalition is composed of member organizations and individuals who signed on to a Statewide Moratorium letter in the Spring of 2011.  Since the original sign on campaign, these groups and individuals have worked across Ohio on outreach to Elected Officials at all levels of government, landowner education, and mobilizing members for activism.

We are students, parents, faculty, neighbors, public officials and industry representatives who are Getting Informed and Taking Action to stop horizontal hydraulic fracturing here in Ohio.


Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing, aka "fracking", poses grave danger to our water and air. Water and air contamination resulting from this new method of natural gas extraction from the Marcellus Shale has destroyed communities in neighboring Pennsylvania and West Virginia. We need to take note of fracking's path of destruction and STOP it before we become part of the fracking nightmare!


Columbus, OH

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