What We Do

The Buckeye Trail Association is a large, strong body of volunteers who maintain and promote the trail. Though the entire route is marked, the Buckeye Trail continues to change and improve. The BTA looks for ways to move road sections off the roads, and to upgrade those off-road sections to high quality trail.


But the Buckeye Trail Association is more than just a management organization. It is also a social group. Several events are planned each year, both formally by the association, and by individual members. Most of these events are open to the public. You can check out the events page for a list of many of these.


Annually, the Association holds a gathering for all members, usually at a location near the trail. For three days, members are entertained and educated through a series of workshops and presentations. Several hikes are usually scheduled around the area. Finally, the annual business meeting, open to all members, is held during the gathering, giving every member a voice in the operation and future of the Association.


BTA MISSION: The Buckeye Trail Association is the leader in building, maintaining, protecting and promoting use of Ohio's longest scenic hiking trail for our citizens, communities and partners. We provide outdoor recreation, opportunities to volunteer, education, access to the varied resources of Ohio and local economic benefits.


BTA VISION: The Buckeye Trail, Ohio's State Scenic Trail, is a sustainable hiking trail that provides a safe and unique experience throughout the state reflecting the diverse resources, people and stories of Ohio. The trail is a dedicated, recognized and protected route developed and maintained by the Buckeye Trail Association, an organization reflective of the diversity of the trail. The Buckeye Trail Association works in close partnership with communities, organizations and agencies around Ohio creating a legacy for present and future generations.


P.O. Box 5, Shawnee, Ohio 43782

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