Cincinnati, OH 45250
Faith Communities Go Green (FCGG), a collaboration between Green Umbrella and EquaSion, unites two complimentary organizations to strengthen our work to make our world a better place for generations. Green Umbrella is the premier sustainability organization in our region and EquaSion is the premier interfaith organization in our region. FCGG established itself as the bridge between faith communities and environmental sustainability. FCGG supports regional faith communities in their efforts to be more environmentally sustainable.
The three working groups, Advocacy, Education/Lifestyles and Facilities, work within FCGG to partner with religious communities to create a more sustainable and equitable future for all by mobilizing their moral voice to reduce the risk of catastrophic climate change. The Advocacy Working Group keeps us up to date reporting on pressing state legislative environmental justice issues. The Education/Lifestyles Working Group, through webinars and in person educational events, inspires each of us to change daily behaviors to live more sustainably. The FCGG Facilities Working Group guides and supports regional religious organizations in the work of reducing the energy burden in their buildings to reduce air pollution and lower utility bills. Forty percent of the faith communities that we work with serve disadvantaged families. Helping congregations improve their facility's energy efficiency enables them to build more resilient and sustainable communities.
In every congregation, there are people passionate about our planet’s health and its effect on their children, grandchildren and beyond. Congregations that pull these motivated individuals together to form a Green Team, quickly achieve environmentally best practices within their houses of worship. We are here to help every interested congregation form Green Teams. Green Team members work with FCGG sharing their knowledge and providing guidance to others. They, in turn, learn from the vast knowledge of our diverse Faith Communities. We do best when we work together, to find the courage and the will to make the morally right choices, to do what we know is necessary to protect our natural world for generations. Faith organizations, when united in one moral responsibility, can address the unprecedented environmental challenges facing us.
Join Us at to participate in the Energy Efficiency Initiative. Please complete the survey found on the Facilities Working Group page,
Cincinnati, OH 45250
Cincinnati, OH 45250, USA
Our website offers tools for promoting environmental sustainability and environmental justice for members of all faith communities.