• The fires have raged for months, and will continue for at least another month.
• Australia has always had problems with brush fires, but record temperatures and record drought have exacerbated the issue to unprecedented levels.
• The fires have ravaged the wildlife population of the continent, killing nearly half a billion animals, many species of which are endemic to Australia. This number was increased to 1 billion animals killed or adversely effected.
• 26 people have died so far, while tens of thousands have been displaced.
• Some fires have been so large they have created their own lightning.
• In December Australia recorded its hottest day on record.
• Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s handling of the crisis has been an unmitigated disaster. He has attempted to minimize any connection between climate change and the fires, and has been heckled by is own fire fighters.
• More than 12 million acres have burned so far.
• Because of the fires, Australia will double their CO2 output for the year.
• Earlier this month 4000 evacuees were trapped on a beach near Mallacoota, requiring the largest maritime rescue since World War II.

Photo by Allison Marion
What can you do to help? Call your representatives and demand action on the climate crisis!
Donate to these organizations:
Wildlife, Pets and Livestock Impact
Australia Zoo & Steve Irwin Wildlife Warriors
Victoria Zoos – Bushfire Emergency Wildlife Fund
RSPCA – Pets, Livestock, Wildlife
World Wildlife Fund
Port Macquarie Koala Hospital
Wires Wildlife Rescue
Australian Wildlife Conservancy
Humane Society International
Fire Fighters
New South Wales Rural Fire Service
Country Fire Authority
Country Fire Service of South Australia
Rural Fire Brigade Association Queensland
Tasmania Fire Service
Western Australia Fire Service
Social and Human Impact
First Nations Communities Fire Relief
Australian Red Cross
Salvation Army
Community Enterprise Foundation Disaster Appeal
Victorian Food Bank
St Vincent de Paul Society Bushfire Appeal
Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund
Auctions and Art
No Sign of Rain Print Fundraiser
Make It Rain Celebrity Auction and Fundraiser
Run online search through Ecosia who will plant trees in needs areas.
Contact US politicians about the climate emergency here.