What We Do

Friends of Hocking River was formed in 1999 by citizens interested in the future of the Hocking River. FOHR members and volunteers represent every county in the watershed. FOHR addresses issues that potentially impact the Hocking River watershed, such as litter prevention/control, mining, dredging, and road construction. FOHR organizes annual river clean-ups and works to improve river access for all citizens. FOHR members regularly access the Hocking River and its tributaries for recreation such as fishing and canoeing.


The mission of FOHR is "To preserve the environmental integrity, educate the general public, and promote the wise use of the Hocking River and its watershed." FOHR members meet the first Tuesday of each month, 6:30 pm, Logan Hocking Library, Logan Ohio, unless otherwise announced.


P.O. Box 132, Rockbridge, OH 43149

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