What We Do

Wild Ones promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities. Wild Ones is a not-for-profit environmental education and advocacy organization. The Columbus Chapter of Wild Ones celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2014. Except for field trips, the chapter typically meets the second Saturday of each month. Presentations take place from 10am -noon. Programs are free to the public.  We’d love to have you join Wild Ones so you can how to meet your natural landscaping needs.


The Whetstone Prairie Project started in 2004 and has continued to be a joint project between Columbus Recreation and Parks and Wild Ones Columbus Chapter.  The prairie is located at the south end of Whetstone Park and identified by signs. Recently, it has been worked on by the city to eradicate trees. We anxiously await to see how it will look next spring.


We currently support the National Wildlife Federation, Ohio Department of Natural Resources by displaying logos, contact information, educational materials and membership forms. We forward an Ohio based monthly newsletter, Nature Scoop, to all members

Program Season(s)

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